Monday, February 24, 2014

Reading #5 - Dematerialism, Arte Povera, Unmonumental and post Minimalism

Guy Ben-Ner Stealing Beauty (still) 2007

Louise Bourgeois In and Out 1995

Alberto Burri Red plastic 1964

Jenny Holzer Inflammatory Essay (1 out of 10) 1982

Barbara Kruger Who's the fairest of them all? 1989

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Reading #4 - Why Have Their Been No Great Women Artists

Rosa Bonheur Horse Fair 1852

Emily Mary Osborn Nameless and Friendless 1857

Sabina von Steinback Notre Dame Cathedral Tower 1318-1339

Lavinia Fontana Self-Portrait at the Clavichord with a Servant 1577

Marietta Robusti Self Portrait 1556

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Reading #3 - Artists - Post Modern

Piet Mondrian Composition No. 2 1939

Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles dAvignon 1907

Paul Cezanne Nudes in Landscape 1900-1905

Joseph Beuys Felt Suit 1970

Wassily Kandinsky Composition VII 1913